Although UH Giving Day has ended, you can still make a difference. Click here to make a gift.
Rainbow Wahine Cross Country
Cross Country Track Trek: Paving the Way for our Team’s Success!

Attention all cross country supporters!  Our team is on the fast track to success, but they need your help to reach the finish line.   We’re dedicated to providing our athletes with the best resources and facilities to excel in their sport, and now we’re embarking on a journey to upgrade our track.  

The track is the foundation of our teams’ training and competition, but over time, wear and tear has taken its toll.  To ensure our athletes have a safe and top-notch facility to train and compete on, we’ve recently started to build a new track facility, track surface and provide new essential equipment.  

Join us on this exciting journey as we race towards our goal.

President's Challenge
Join President David Lassner in support of all UH students and research! When we receive 1,000 gifts to any UH project across 10 campuses, his gift of $25,000 will be unlocked!
1,000 / 1,000 Gifts
Rainbow Warrior Bonus Point!
The 1001st gift to UHM athletics unlocks a bonus $9,000 from an anonymous donor.
$50,000 Rainbow Warrior Challenge
Help us reach 1,000 gifts in support of any of our UHM athletics programs and unlock a very generous $50,000 gift from an anonymous donor!
UH Alumni Association Challenge!
Join the UH Alumni Assocation, in support of UH students and research! When we receive 100 gifts to any UH project their gift of $5,000 will be unlocked!
100 / 100 Gifts
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