Help us make UH Giving Day a success!

Help us make UH Giving Day a success!


Sign up to spread the word on social media as a UH Giving Day Ambassador by entering your email address at right. You’ll get your own Ambassador Dashboard, featuring:

  • Easy-to-use sharing tools to help spread the word.
  • Image templates to personalize your posts.
  • A unique referral link to track every gift made through your efforts.

Watch your impact grow in real time and see how your support is making a difference. Let’s amplify UH Giving Day together!


We want to hear your firsthand experience. Your UH story is powerful and can motivate others to join the cause. Just fill out a short form and share:

  • A short video highlighting how UH has shaped your life or
  • A photo with a few sentences about your UH journey.

Share your story today! To inspire donors, we may include it on our social media and/or website, or we may contact you to about featuring you in one of our publications.

A mahalo gift for you

To thank you for participating, we’ll send you a FOR UH • FOR HAWAI‘I sticker pack! It’s perfect for laptops, water bottles or bumpers, or anywhere you want to show your UH pride.