Swimming & Diving
Make Waves supporting our Swim and Dive team!

Pre & Post Workout Nutrition

Our student-athletes lead hectic lives, balancing rigorous training with academics. To ensure no diver or swimmer dives into class on an empty stomach or starts practice without proper fuel, we want pre-and post-workout snacks they can grab anytime at the pool. Your support will help fuel and aid in their recovery from the intense daily training sessions.

Racing Caps, Heart Rate Monitors, and Video Review Systems

We also want to keep our team at the cutting edge of swimming technology. We're aiming to purchase Arena dome racing caps ($60 per cap, $3,000 per season), waterproof heart rate monitors ($5,000 for a full set) to provide real-time feedback on training, and the Sideline Scout instant video review system ($2,000 for initial equipment + $1,000 annual subscription) to revolutionize how we coach technique. With your help, we can make waves and equip our swimmers and divers with the best tools available to compete at their best.

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Or you can contact us at annual.giving@uhfoundation.org.