We envision sustainable community-based systems and environments to raise healthy children in the Pacific Region.
In partnership with our community, our mission is to elevate the capacity of the region to build and sustain a healthy food and physical environment to help maintain healthy weight and prevent obesity among young children in the Pacific region.
Our Goal for Food System Resiliency is to use systems dynamics research methods in an integrated approach to develop a CHL Food Systems Model and simulations to identify and test drivers of resiliency in food supply chains for decreasing food wastage and increasing food and nutrition security, healthful dietary patterns, and healthy body size among children, in order to prevent chronic disease in households and communities across the US Affiliated Pacific insular area (Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Am. Samoa) which will be used to guide education and extension programs.
To learn more about CTAHR's work visit: ctahr.hawaii.edu/site/ExtFH.aspx